Astrology Readings Menu

Personal Astrology Consultatation

Your personal astrology consultation will feature a full character profile and detailed forecast for the upcoming calendar year. Your reading will be presented with either full expression of astrological nomeclature or in laymens terms for clients who prefer to omit the jargon.

We will discuss the configuration of your natal birth chart, how the currently transiting planets interact with it, and how you can best maximize these cosmic energy patterns to meet your current goals and objectives.

Astrologer will also cast your secondary progressed chart to determine your emotional conditions and patterns, the solar arc directed chart for further insight into your established, existing and developing life events, and the current solar return (birthday) chart to elucidate your ideal perceptual and behavioral proscription for the upcoming year from todays date.

Plan to spend ninety minutes in a dynamic dialogue with the astrologer either in person, by video chat or over the telephone.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Romance (Synastry) Reading

Astrology has been effectively used to ascertain compatiblity in romance for thousands of years.

By juxtaposing and combining the two birth charts of the partners, the unique distinctive chemistry and interactive profile of the relationship can be revealed and subsequently utilized to strengthen or modify the relationship.

Within the framework of romance, synastry can shed much needed light on the potentials and natures of friendship, cohabitation, financial security, and sexual attraction (or lack thereof).

Plan to spend 90 minutes in a lively discourse with the astrologer either in person, by video, or over the telephone.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Business Partnership Assessment

Feeling uncertain whether to go into business with someone can either make you miss a golden opportunity or make a wrong decision that can derail your aspirations or worse.

A business partnership compatibility assessment is similar to a romance reading insofaras the astrologer will use chart juxtaposition (synastry) and chart combining techniques to evaluate compatability, integrity, ease of association, and potential for mutual benefit. This reading has been lauded for its ability to cut years off the processs of getting to know a partner and can be equally useful in determining who and who not to have dealings with.

For other business concerns such as when to launch an IPO, open the door of a new business, or any other business related timing matter, please see the description for Electional Astrology below.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Astro*Cartography - Locational Astrology Reading

While the geometric relationship of the planets in your astrological birth chart is static, you can redistribute the energies either improving or impairing how you fare in different areas in your life by relocating to a different physical location.

Astro*cartography clarifies where on earth your chart energies will be strongest and weakest and where you might either move or travel to in order to experience the most generalized or specific satisfaction, happiness and success.

Locational astrology is not recommended for anyone who will not be moving or traveling at least 200 miles away from their current home base.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Date Planning Consultation - Electional Astrology

Astrology is a masterful tool for selecting an ideal date to embark on any endeavor, relative to a specific time frame of your choosing.

Electional astrology can be employed to identify ideal dates for starting a company, getting married, conceiving a child, moving into a new home, moving cities states or countries, or just about any other desired expenditure of effort or undertaking.

Ancient and modern monarchs, paharohs, statespeople, CEOs, and heads of prominent families have effectively employed and applied the power of electional astrology to achieve maximum desirable outcomes.

If you are seeking a date planning session, you should approach the astrologer with a range of dates as well as a full list of objectives.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Having the astrology chart of an infant or child interpreted can offer parents piercing insight into the character, temperament, and potentials of the minor under study.

Many child psychologists and counselors consult the birth chart of their patients and students to gain greater understanding of their motiviations, enthusiasms, reactions, and aversions. For that matter, many mental health professionals who cater exclusively to adults do exactly the same thing.

No children or minors under the age of 18 may be present for this session although adult clients are free to record the session for later review with whomever they wish.

The rate for this consultation is $300 US. If you are 27 years of age or under, the rate is $250 US.

Child Astrological Profile